Designing with Intel SoC for Hardware Engineers
Course Objectives
This course provides all theoretical and practical know-how to design Intel SoC devices under Quartus Prime software.
The course combines 50% theory and 50% practical work on Terasic DE1-SoC evaluation board.
The course starts with Intel SoC families overview and their capabilities, continues with deep methodic training of the SoC architecture.
The course teaches the HPS architecture and its building blocks, how to manage SoC system, how to configure system based on SoC, how to transfer data through the Bus system and internal interconnect, how to connect external memories, how to build a system with Qsys, how to handle interrupts and how to use efficiently pin muxing.
The second part of the course focuses on practical use of simulation models (BFMs), creating SoC test-benches, and performing different boot processes with and without operating system.
The course ends with SoC debug interfaces overview, how and when to use them, cross triggering between CPUs and FPGAs and how to use the system console manager.
The course combines 50% theory and 50% practical work on Terasic DE1-SoC evaluation board.
The course starts with Intel SoC families overview and their capabilities, continues with deep methodic training of the SoC architecture.
The course teaches the HPS architecture and its building blocks, how to manage SoC system, how to configure system based on SoC, how to transfer data through the Bus system and internal interconnect, how to connect external memories, how to build a system with Qsys, how to handle interrupts and how to use efficiently pin muxing.
The second part of the course focuses on practical use of simulation models (BFMs), creating SoC test-benches, and performing different boot processes with and without operating system.
The course ends with SoC debug interfaces overview, how and when to use them, cross triggering between CPUs and FPGAs and how to use the system console manager.
General Information

- Quartus Prime software
- Qsys
- SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer

Duration & Attendance
3 days

Target Audience
Hardware and system e ngineers who would like to design with Intel SoC technology
Additional Information

Teaching Methods & Tools
- Simulator: Modelsim
- Synthesizer and Place & Route: Quartus Prime
- Terasic DE1-SoC Evaluation board
- Course book (including labs)

Evaluation & Certification
Certification is provided to each attendee